Bioengineering and Cell Imaging Laboratory (BCILab)
Cell sorting, including four-way sorting, single cell per well sorting and sorting of objects sized >100-200 nm. Possibility to sort into test tubes, multi-well plates and onto slides (Beckman Coulter CytoFlex SRT sorter);
Live cell imaging using light, fluorescence and confocal microscopy. Suitable for long-term observations (>24h) and multiple plate, slide and dish formats (automated Zeiss Celldiscoverer 7 confocal microscope with cell culture system);
Imaging of cell and tissue preparations using light, fluorescence and confocal microscopy. Possibility of imaging structures sized >100 nm and so-called spectral imaging (using the Zeiss LSM 980 confocal microscope with high resolution detector);
Cytometric analysis of surface and intracellular antigens. Analysis of up to 30 parameters (FSC, SSC + 28 colours). Possibility of working with tubes or 96-well plates (Cytek Northern Lights cytometer);
Cytometric-microscopic analysis of cells. Detection of up to 12 parameters (fluorescence measurement) combined with imaging using light and fluorescence microscopy. Working with 1.5 ml test tubes or 96-well plates (Cytek® Amnis® ImageStream®X Mk II cytometer).
Fluorescence, absorbance and luminescence measurement combined with brightfield, fluorescence and optical phase contrast imaging of cells. Compatible with a wide range of multi-well plate formats (multifunctional reader with imaging module – Cytation 5).