Purchase of an automated Zeiss CELLDISCOVERER 7 LSM 900 confocal microscope

As part of the CDT-CARD project, an automated Zeiss CELLDISCOVER 7 LSM 900 confocal microscope was purchased in March 2023.



The instrument is suitable for multi-well plate experiments in the formats of 6-384 wells and to carry out long-term observations of living cells – integrated atmosphere control system enabling regulation and maintenance of CO2 (from 1% to 8% with an accuracy of +/- 0.1%) and O2 (from 0.0% to 21% with an accuracy of +/- 0.1%) levels. Maintenance of a constant temperature in the microscope chamber, with an accuracy of 0.1 degree C, in the range of 30 – 45 degree C.


Built-in three-position afocal magnification changer 0.5x/1.0x/2.0x

Planapochromatic objectives with automatic heating:

5x/N.A. 0.35, working distance 5.1 mm;

20x/N.A. 0.7 automatic correction for slide thickness, working distance 2.2 mm;

20x/N.A. 0.95 automatic correction for slide thickness, working distance 0.76 mm;

50x/N.A. 1.2 automatic correction for slide thickness, working distance 0.84 mm, water immersion


Achievable magnifications/effective N.A.: 2.5x/0.12; 5x/0.25; 10x/0.35; 10x/0.5; 20x/0.7; 20x/0.8; 25x/1.2; 40x/0.7; 40x/0.95; 50x/1.2; 100x/1.2

Built-in excitation diodes: 385, 420, 470, 520, 567, 590, 625 nm

Fluorescence filters for DAPI, FITC, dsRED, CY5, CFP, YFP, mCherry

LSM 900 confocal head

Set of four diode lasers for independent operation with all excitation wavelengths: 405 nm /5 mW, 488 nm/ 10 mW, 561 nm /10 mW, 640 nm/ 5 mW


Automated Zeiss CELLDISCOVER 7 LSM 900 confocal microscope

Full specification:

Broszura Celldiscoverer 7 LSM 900 sig sig[37790] 
